To install Python on windows, follow the below instructions:
- Go to Python’s Windows download page
- In the list, find the executable installer that is suitable for your local machine e.g. x64, x86
- Wait for the download to complete and run the .exe installer.
- Install Python, but for easiness, modify the install location to something like.
This isn’t a must but personally, it makes accessing it easier. - After the install is complete, it’s time to set up some environment variables for shortcut access to Python & pip via the command prompt.
- Go to Control Panel, then System, then Advanced System Properties.
- Click the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variable button.
- Add the following two values to your PATH variable (Or replace with the path you installed the Python files)
- Click the Ok button until all is closed, now both the python.exe and pip.exe executable will be accessible.
- Open the command prompt and simply type.
See Figure 1 for an example of what should be present after the command. If it’s not similar to Figure 1, then use the following in-depth link to install python on windows again.